The 11 Day Tuk Tuk Adventure – a travellers diary, Day 9

DAY 9 4

A ‘free’ day to Pai – straight from Ella’s diary

My diary of a Tuk Tuk Adventure Day 9

A day of rest for the Tuk Tuks – and boy do they deserve it being such trusty little machines – and our group decided to split up and do different things. And that’s one of the real beauties of this adventure. We all get on really well but there’s been time to do our own thing and never feel like we’re all forced to be together. Pretty much the perfect set up.

DAY 9 4

Some of the group headed off into Pai town to explore further (and stock up on gifts for family and friends at home), others decided to enjoy the pool and catch up on a book (and trust me, the pool is simple awesome so a very good idea) and others headed off to explore Temples, villages and some local hot springs.

I decided to take the pool option and had a lovely day relaxing, swimming, reading, eating and even had a very relaxing massage organised by the hotel. Perhaps I could have done more but I justified my lazy day with the thoughts of everything we’d done so far and Tony and the teams promise that tomorrow – our last driving day – was going to be truly spectacular.

DAY 9 2

In the evening I did head into Pai town again drawn by the thought of yet another delicious portion of mango and sticky rice and sampling a whole load of different street food. I’ve found that I’ve totally got over my fear of eating street food – how can you not sample all the delicious different things on offer and not a dodgy tummy in site!

DAY 9 1

Then it was early to bed to get ready for our last day’s driving back to Mae Wang, where the adventure all started.

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