5 Reasons to book a Tuk Tuk Club Adventure in 2022

There are actually around one million and one reasons to book a Tuk Tuk Club Adventure in 2022 but we just don’t have the space here to list them all out so are focussing on just 5 for the time being! But, these are 5 of the very best reasons to get your travel adventures going again now that Thailand and much of the world is opening up again ready for intrepid explorers like yourself!

Young woman sitting in a Tuk Tuk in front of elephants
  1. There is no better way to travel and explore Northern Thailand than in one of our specially built Tuk Tuks

This might sound like a strange thing to say but travelling by Tuk Tuk (whether you’re on one of our self-drive or chauffeur driven options) keeps you right in the heart of the action every second of your adventure. There’s no falling asleep in a minivan and missing everything there is to see, there’s no tinted windows between you and the outside world and we’re travelling at a gentle 30-40kmh meaning you have the time to soak everything up! And, as the Tuk Tuks are open to the elements (don’t worry, they do have a roof!) you can absorb every single site, smell and sound as you travel through the most incredible mountain backroads on your adventure with us. The beautiful clean air of the mountains, the spices being cooked in remote communities and even the scent of elephant dung every now and then – you really don’t miss a thing!

A young man relaxing on the roof of a Tuk Tuk

And, we can guarantee that when we stop in a small community to explore, buy a coffee or sample some wild and wonderful snacks, that you’ll be greeted with huge smiles and wonder as everyone is fascinated to see Tuk Tuks this far out from urban areas. A minivan pulling up with it’s tinted windows just doesn’t have the same effect – trust us!

A word about our Tuk Tuks. Built specially for us with the mountain roads in mind, our Tuk Tuks are the real deal Bangkok style Tuk Tuk but even better! They are slightly longer than normal meaning there’s lots of leg room in the back, they’re slightly taller than normal meaning you get really good views and they even have a roll back sunroof should you wish to be even more ‘in the moment’. Each Tuk Tuk also has a cool box which we stock with ice every morning to keep your drinks cool and we take small BluTooth speakers with us on our multi-day adventures meaning you can plug in your favourite road trip music as the background to the awesome roads. And, the final piece of brilliance – the drivers seats have been re-built to make them extra comfortable for our less attuned Western backsides meaning there’s that extra bit of comfort allowing you to focus on the road and the experience! These Tuk Tuks really are the world’s best Tuk Tuks!

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2. Everyone is talking about ‘slow’ travel as the best way to travel in these new times – and it doesn’t get much slower than exploring by Tuk Tuk

Back in the mists of time before the pandemic so many people’s holidays had become a mad rush ticking off famous places and sites with everything being about the end point of each day rather than the journey itself. Not that we’ve got the opportunity to re-boot the way we travel, we’d like to think that real travellers (and everyone who loves The Tuk Tuk Club is a real traveller in our book) are taking the opportunity to take things at a gentler pace. To experience the journey as much as the ‘sites’ and to get the most from every second of their holiday rather than haring from one place to the next and then needing a holiday to recover from the holiday!

A convoy of Tuk Tuks along a mountain backroad

Travelling by Tuk Tuk is of course the ultimate slow travel. We cruise along the backroads at between 30 and 50kmh (20-30mph) – in fact 50kmh is the fastest we ever travel as our focus is on not missing a thing and taking in all the beauty around us. Unless you’re planning to walk then a Tuk Tuk Adventure is probably the slowest way to explore, but we mean that in a positive way. Fast enough to have a great journey (and take advantage of the breezes to keep cool) but slow enough to be part of the nature and communities that we travel through.

This is ‘slow’ travel done properly!

3. Our routes get you deep into the heart of a very real Thailand – about as far it’s possible to get from the ‘same old same old’ touristy areas

We believe that the fun of travel is getting right into the heart of a country and exploring the real sense of everywhere rather than just the touristy areas, and our adventures do exactly that. Travelling for much of the time along remote rural backroads we’re in areas that few Thai people visit let alone visitors from overseas. We’re surrounded by villages and communities where visitors are a welcome novelty rather than a tolerated nuisance, where we’re more likely to find a cup of coffee where the beans were grown around the corner rather than yet another Starbucks and where the food is the real deal delicious Thai cuisine as it’s been made for generations rather than the watered down fare you’re more likely to see in the beach resorts.

Hill Tribe children looking at views over the mountain

The scenery is mind blowing, the people we meet are incredibly welcoming and the regions we travel through are great examples of why travellers fell in love with Thailand 30+ years ago.

A Tuk Tuk on a winding mountain road through the mountains in Northern Thailand

If you’re keen to experience the real Thailand away from coach parties and the crowds then look no further than a Tuk Tuk Club experience. You honestly haven’t ‘done’ Thailand until you’ve ‘done’ a Tuk Tuk Adventure!

4. We’re an award winning company that genuinely cares – about our travellers, our team, our partners and everyone we meet along the way

Whilst delivering awesome travel experiences is our business, it’s actually much, much more than that to the whole Tuk Tuk Club team. It’s our passion and why we leap out of bed every morning. Whether it’s our joy at being able to help travellers explore Northern Thailand (which we believe is one of the most beautiful places on earth) or the fact we love seeing the smiles on our travellers faces, we live for the opportunity to do what we do and revel in the privilege that is delivering your holiday.

Karen woman laughing and enjoying a mountain cigarette

But it’s more than that. We take great pride in how we work closely with our partners (where we stay, local trekking guides, transfer drivers etc) and have become friends with everyone we work with. And why wouldn’t we? After all we’re all focussed on the same thing which is delivering the very best experiences to our visitors and to enjoying life as much as possible. Perhaps a great example of just how much we care about those we work with is how The Tuk Tuk Club managed to raise enough money during the pandemic to support the elephant home we visit (and their staff) for over 6 months. Our commitment to everyone we come into contact with is much more than a policy on a piece of paper – it’s how we live our lives. And that’s important for you as our travellers as it means that everywhere we go, people are happy to see The Tuk Tuk Club and welcome you into their lives.

Oh, and did we mention we’ve won a few awards as well since we were founded. But honestly, our favourite awards come in the form of the amazing feedback we get from our travellers. Why not have a look here!

5. It’s fun!

For some reason the word ‘fun’ is missed out from many travel brochures and write ups and we don’t understand why? What’s the point of a holiday and travel experience if it’s not fun? There’s enough about life – and particularly the last 18 months or so – that has been no fun at all and we reckon it’s about time that fun became the new travel buzzword!

A man and woman smiling at a roadside foodstall

Sure, we take you off the beaten path and yes, we do everything by the iconic Tuk Tuk. Yes, we’re serious about our responsibility to our travellers, team and those we meet along the way but actually, the most important thing is that we can do everything with a smile on our face and that our memory of you, our travellers, when you head home, is full of big smiles and laughter as the accompaniment to your adventure.

Our team are super professional and experienced. But most of all they are also fun.

Join us and help us on our mission to make travel fun again!


The Tuk Tuk Club runs both self-drive and chauffeur driven Tuk Tuk Adventures through the mountains of Northern Thailand. With trips from 11 days all the way down to 1 day there really is something for everyone no matter how long (or short) your stay in Thailand is going to be.

Have a look at our website for more information or to get your space reserved for 2022 now. Or, drop us a note at [email protected] to ask all / any questions you have and to see if this is the right adventure for you. It will be but there’s no harm at all in double checking!

Or, if you’re still in research mode why not have a look at our other articles all about the joys of Northern Thailand, Tuk Tuks and travelling.

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