Every trip to Thailand should include a visit to Chiang Mai, gateway to the beautiful mountains of the North and home of a wide range of adventures for all he family. Chiang Mai city, whilst bigger and busier than it was when travel really started in Thailand, is still full of charm and the perfect location to seek out a Tuk Tuk Tour.

The ‘old city’, surrounded by ancient walls dating back hundreds of years, is a maze of small streets, tiny shops, brilliant coffee hangouts, restaurants, bars, food stalls and, of course, stunning Temples. There are markets to satisfy all tastes, from the souvenir hunter to those looking to delve right into full on community Thai markets selling the freshest vegetables and fruit from the mountains and a full on adventure for the senses.

But there’s much more to Chiang Mai than the city. It’s the second largest province in Thailand and most of it’s area is forested mountains dotted with Hill Tribe communities. And it doesn’t take much time at all to suddenly be in villages where Thai is no longer the first language spoken and suddenly feel like you very definitely are having an adventure.

So what’s the best way to explore Chiang Mai and to have a real Northern Thailand Adventure?

Of course there are lots of different ways to soak up the atmosphere of this wonderful region. If you’re in the city then walking is a great option. The ‘old city’ is not that big so it’s easy to wander around and get a great sense of life going on all around you. Even when it’s hot and walking might seem a little taxing, then slow down the pace and enjoy watching the world go by from one of the hundreds of small coffee shops and juice bars dotted all over.

Alternatively, why not support a traditional way of life and take a samlor tour of Chiang Mai city. Samlors are the pre-cursor to the motorised Tuk Tuk and are a superb way of experiencing the city and supporting the drivers (riders!) who are all pretty old now but determined to keep up their way of life. There’s a fantastic business in Chiang Mai that supports the samlor community and you can book a great Chiang Mai tour with them here: https://www.chiangmai-alacarte.com/chiang-mai-tours/chiang-mai-temples-tour-by-samlor/

But, if you’re looking at exploring further afield and getting a sense of the mountains, the remote villages and traditional way of life in Chiang Mai then a samlor isn’t going to do the job. The samlor drivers may be tough but they won’t get up the steep hills heading to the mountain communities. So , keeping the spirt of three wheels alive the best way to adventure is on a Chiang Mai Tuk Tuk tour with The Tuk Tuk Club.

An elephant eating sugar cane standing next to an orange Tuk Tuk
The essence of a Chiang Mai Tuk Tuk Tour – Tuk Tuks and elephants!
Two people floating downstream on bamboo rafts
Enjoying a change of pace, floating gently downstream during a Tuk Tuk Tour in Chiang Mai

Using specially built Tuk Tuks designed for the mountain roads – and much more comfortable than your standard city Tuk Tuk – and with expert drivers and guides, these Tuk Tuk Tours get you right into the heart of the mountains and communities all over Chiang Mai. There’s no glass between you and the countryside, there’s no air-conditioning removing the wonderful scent of the scenery and you feel right in the heart of the adventure rather than cut off by modern life.

With 1 Day Tuk Tuk Adventures all the way through to 11 Day Tuk Tuk Adventures (covering Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son!) The Tuk Tuk Club have Chiang Mai Tuk Tuk Tours to appeal to everyone no matter how long your planning to spend in the North of Thailand.

A Tuk Tuk parked in front a rice field in the mountians
Rainy season views in Chiang Mai on a Tuk Tuk Tour

Including meeting elephants, bamboo rafting, trekking in the forest, waterfalls, remote Temples, stunning views, Hill Tribe communities and much much more a Tuk Tuk Tour really is the best way to experience the wonder of Northern Thailand and to have an adventure to remember!

For even more information on Tuk Tuks and the fun you can have on three wheels have a look here

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